Local Resources for Young Children

To view resources for families and caregivers, click here.

Ventura County 2-1-1

2-1-1 Ventura County: 211 Ventura County, a program of Interface Children & Family Services, is the comprehensive information and referral service for Ventura County. Over 30,000 Ventura County callers and texters are connected each year to health and human services. Call or text 2-1-1 to get connected, or visit their website to learn more.





Clinicas del Camino Real logo


Clinicas del Camino Real: Clinicas del Camino Real, commonly known as Clinicas, has fifteen full-service health centers throughout Ventura County, as well as fully equipped medical and dental units. To find a doctor or learn more on Clinicas services and clinics, visit their website or call (805) 647-6353.


Help Me Grow Logo

Help Me Grow Ventura County: Help Me Grow can answer everyday questions about young children’s development and behavior. When extra help is needed to support development or behavior, we provide families with information and link them to community-based resources and services. To learn more, call or text (805) 244-6911.




Interface Children & Family Services: Children, youth, and adults can have mental health problems that interfere with the way they think, feel, and act. Like physical health, mental health is important at every stage of life. Interface provides comprehensive mental health services in family-friendly locations throughout Ventura County. To learn more, call (805) 485-6114, ext. 662, or email intake@icfs.org. You can also fill out a mental health services intake form here.



Tri-Counties Regional Center

Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program: WIC, run locally through the Ventura County Health Care Agency, is a health and nutrition program for growing families. WIC helps families by providing nutrition education, breastfeeding support, vouchers for healthy foods, and referrals to healthcare and other community services.To learn how to get WIC services or if you have questions about your next WIC visit, please call: (805) 981-5251 or Toll-Free (800) 781-4449, option 3.



Tri-Counties Regional Center

Tri-Counties Regional Center: The regional center provides lifelong services and supports for people with developmental disabilities in San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. The diagnoses that qualify for services include intellectual disability, autism, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy. Call (805) 485-3177 (Oxnard) or (805) 522-8030 (Simi Valley) or visit their website to learn more.



Digital Resources for Young Children



Learn the Signs, Act Early: From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern. Help your child grow by learning more at cdc.gov/MilestoneTracker and cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/, or call (800) 232-4636.





The California Teaching Pyramid:  Social-emotional development is foundational for learning and development in young children, and California is committed to promoting and supporting healthy social-emotional development in all of its children. The California Teaching Pyramid is a framework to provide tiered supports for the social-emotional development of young children. To learn more about Teaching Pyramid, visit cainclusion.org/camap/map-project-resources/ca-teaching-pyramid/







California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network:  Infant and early childhood mental health consultation is a preventative, strength-based, culturally responsive approach that provides early learning and care settings, such as center-based and family child care programs, access to infant and early childhood mental health consultants. Infant and early childhood mental health consultation is not therapy, nor does it include assessment or diagnosis of specific children. To learn more, visit https://iecmhcnetwork.org/  or call (877) 524-2422.






California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN):  CPIN provide research-based teaching and learning strategies that are age and developmentally appropriate and highlight inclusive practices and support for ALL children. Instruction incorporates adult learning theories and is intentional, reflective, and interactive with hands-on learning and time for planning. To learn more on CPIN, visit cpin.us .



Ventura County Office of Education (VCOE):  Whether they're happening close to home or across the world, disturbing events in the news can be difficult for students to process. The following resources provide guidance about talking to kids and helping them cope.